Monday 27 August 2012

Help me (on so many levels)...

Hello dear children! How are you this fine day? Or night? Are your sleeping patterns regular? Anyhoo, I shall not beat about the bush dear friends. I shall get the point. To the gist. To the nub and thrust.
I went shopping a few days ago in ST Helens. My parents don't like it there, but I lovit. I got... a few things.

The ear cuffs all came in a set of three for £2 from River Island
Wishbone: Miss Selfridge
Horse: Miss Selfridge
Eye: Topshop
Casual hanging thing: Topshop
In one ear out the other: Topshop
Crow: can't remember
Spike: can't remember

AND! I'm going to show you how to make a girl emergency kit. :3

 First of all, you need a make up bag or wash bag, that will fit in your smallest bag (if it fits in your smallest bag, it will obviously fit in your biggest bag). This one I got ages ago, and it's from Dorothy Perkins, in the SALE! :) I love sales.

Next, these are things that you don't NEED but these are things that I would recommend.
Lotion or cream

Hair acessories

Mirror, in honour of my recent television debut (when I say debut I mean my third appearance. My hand made it into the cut! :D)

Spot emergency stuff (concealer if you have any)

Sewing kit (COMPLETELY optional)

Stain wipes

Lip balm

Blotting papers (these were 99P from Superdrug)

Hand sanitizer

Ahem, girl stuff



Clear nail varnish or nail varnish remover

Gum or mints


You are also best having some money (enough for some food/ bus fare. Probably best not to have more than £10 incase it is stolen).

I also have started reading some self help books in preparation for FMA, press the button on the right for more details.
These books are Stop Thinking And Start Living by Richard Garlson and Spring Clean Your System by Jane Garton. Wish me luck for FMA!

Have you been watching X Factor? I love Lucy (forgot her last name). I really want her to win. Who do you think should win? And what do you think of some of the other contestants?

Christmas! The note in my blogging book (another thing I have stolen from Cat Hannah) is "So close, and yet so far". :P Can't wait. What do you want?

Pewdiepie nails! I am going to design some and show you them. If you don't know who he is, then check out the link in the sidebar.

I want a tattoo! Of a feather turning into birds. Let me show you. But because it hurts LOADS I was thinking of getting it done in henna. If it doesn't hurt, then I could have the feather one, a brofist, a randler, and maybe something else. A jelly bean perhaps, to represent my blog?

I'm sorry but my guitar HAS BEEN NAMED! By my friend David. He is now called... Olly.
HERE HE IS! With the family. Of guitars. And when I say family, I mean my two guitars. :)

On the left (or should I say bottom. OO-ER) is Olly and on the top is Chuck. :)

Tomorrow I am going to introduce a new event. Bring a friend to COAD! It's simple, you bring a friend to my blog and then if they like it, they can be a jelly bean! :3 Moar jelly beans. Nomnomnom. 

And now, dear children, I must away to my shower. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (if you have any ideas why showering could be evil, leave them in the comments).
Love Adrienne x


  1. Aw, I want that In One Ear Out The Other. How come I practically LIVE in Topshop and have never seen them?
    Great Blog!

    1. Thank you. I wish I knew, I really do (I am a poet today :3)
      Thank you. So's your's :)


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