Saturday 1 September 2012

Charities and Peeeeewdiepieeeeee

Listen to: Brokenhearted by Karmin
Hello vänner! How are you today? I am good. :) I went shopping but for a change I SHAN'T show you what I bought! :P How about dem apples? (Maybe tomorrow)
Pewdiepie recently acquired 1,600,00 subscribers on YouTube. 1,600,00! That's a lot. I wish I had that many followers *hint hint* :P
He decided to celebrate by doing a fundraiser and giving rewards to people who donate over 25 USD to a children's cancer charity. You can find the donation page here. I am going to donate £21 and HOPEFULLY recieve a personal letter from PEEEEEWWDIEPIEEE. :)
I have seen that I have 8 followers! 8! Wow. Thank you, my eight followers. You mean a lot to me, my little jelly beans.
It's almost school, but the most important thing at the moment is FMA! It started at 6 am this morning. But I woke up 2 hours ago. :/
I know I said I was going to have a bring a friend day, so that event is until I write a new post, starting today. Yay!
So, if you're new here, an even if you're not (I haven't done many 'about me' posts recently), I think I should tell you a bit about me.
I'm Adrienne, 14, singer-songwriter. Gamer. Dog lover. And all round good egg. :3 I'm glad you think so too.
I live in England and am a part of the audience (Tobuscus), a bro (Pewdiepie), a mythical beast (Rhett and Link), a marzipan (CutiepieMarzia) and Maya I say that pugs are the cutest. (Maya is the name of PDP and CPM's dog).
I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. :3
So,what about YOU? (condescending glare with one eye squinting). Who are you?
Hope you enjoyed this post. :3
I hope to see you again in the near future here on ma blog.
Love Adrienne x

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If you're a new blogger, leave a link to your blog so I can check it out. And if you are a well-beloved new follower {or mythical monster, as they are called in my world :) }, tell me! I'll be even happier! :)