Monday 13 August 2012

The Belle Blog Award... for moi?

The lovely Cat from Through A Cat's Eyes has nominated me for the Belle Blog Award. Which is awesome. And cool. ^_^ I feel honoured. So anyway. For those of you who don't know:
The nominee has to answer questions their nominee asked. Then they have to tag three bloggers and then ask them questions. I am honoured to have been tagged. So let's get started.

  1. Write three facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the three questions the tagger asked.
  3. Tag three other bloggers {you can't tag the person who tagged you}
  4. Write three questions for them to answer.
Facts about mineself:

  1. I have 12 dogs.
  2. I have been on TV for 2 adverts.
  3. I am a bro, brony and mythical beast.
Answer the questions the tagger asked you:

  1. If you could drink tea (or coffee or hot chocolate... or unicorn tears) with anyone ever, who would it be and why? Probably Felix Kjellberg. He is a Swedish gamer with (almost) millions of fans. He is beautiful and I am a bro (a fan of PewdiePie which is his YouTube name). And I would drink unicorn tears. ;)
  2. What made you want to start blogging and why do you keep blogging? Well, my tagger inspired me: Through A Cat's Eyes. I kept blogging because I wanted my inspiration to like my blog. I keep blogging because I enjoy pouring my heart and soul out on my keyboard: not literally. I don't like cleaning up.
  3. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Wings by Little Mix. Or Picking Up The Pieces by Paloma Faith. But I would need to be able to watch the videos. Just because Wings is inspirational and catchy, and I would like to be able to sing Picking Up The Pieces. Stay tuned for a cover by moi! ;)
Tag three other bloggers:
Now this is hard, because I only follow three people including my tagger, so here goes.
    1. Anna at -SUNDAY-PANCAKES-
    2. Eden Hain at I Might Possibly Be A Nerd Fighter
    3. NooNooNushi at A Life Of An Ordinary Girl
Questions for them:
  1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  2. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
  3. How would you change the lyrics of Haters Gonna Hate?
Yes! I can finally accept the award! Thanks Cat! :)


  1. XD

    What two adverts were you in? That's awesome! ^__^

    I still can't believe that I inspire you :') x

    1. Just little ones: One for Oldham city centre at Yuletide and the other was for a museum (can't remember name :/)
      Well, you better believe it! :P

    2. Hehe awesome all the same ^__^ x


I love it when you comment! I read them all! ^_^ It takes me at most a day to reply. So, when you've commented, just come back in at least a day, and read my reply. If you just said something like "cool" or "new follower"{ I love it when I get new followers, don't get me wrong}, It just sounds a bit like you haven't read it, don't you think?

If you're a new blogger, leave a link to your blog so I can check it out. And if you are a well-beloved new follower {or mythical monster, as they are called in my world :) }, tell me! I'll be even happier! :)