Tuesday 9 October 2012

Precursers as to what is to come...

Bonjour! My name has changed again. Something about a temporary license?
I'm back!!!!!!!!
YAY for me!
Hi! I'm not ill anymore! What's that I hear you say? You want to know what I got up to?

I went back to school (obviously) and got LOADS OF CATCH UP WORK!! And because I am the only person in the world (school) to have Music for 2 periods on a Thursday, and I wasn't in, he just sat there and, in his words, 'twiddled his thumbs'. :D
And some stuff happened, which I would like to share with you. That OK?

I got some facial cleansers which I am sooooo pleased about because... well, I'll show you in the review. ;)
I got some new school shoes because my others were falling apart (I'll talk about them in a later blog post too).
I got an A* for my English homework which I haven't told you about, but I will later on.
I have Skype (I have actually had skype for a while, but just forgot to tell you lovely people). Now, if you want my skype you may ask, BUT! I can accept requests but not video chat, because I don't know you lovely buggers. I don't doubt you aren't paedophiles, I just think someone could hack your skype and actually turn out to BE a paedophile. Anyway, moving away from paedophiles...

I am now going to explain my english homework. We had to write a poster/leaflet on a topic of our choice, but it had to be persuasive writing.
I chose to do mine on Animal Testing and guess what grade I got?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!1111 (Come on, it's not that difficult, it's written at the top of the page). Yeah! An A*!
Anyway, here it is.

Animal Testing

Whilst reading the title, you may be thinking ‘oh no, not another “free the animals” poster’ but please keep reading. Guess the odd one out: Dove, Max Factor, Maybelline, Gillette, Febreeze, Body Shop. Actually, out of those names, only the Body Shop doesn’t test its products on animals. ‘Maybe it’s’ the fact it’s much cheaper than human guinea pigs. Even ‘the best a man can get’ can’t save the animals.
You may not even know what animal testing is. Let me explain: when a company wants to make a new product, they have to see if it’s safe for human use.  So they simply apply the product to an animal (usually rabbits) and wait for the results.  Sounds simple, right? Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s guilt free.
It’s not just cosmetics however; apparently Vicks, Pritt and even the seemingly-harmless post it note, has to be okayed by the animal kingdom. Monkeys had to be trapped in glass capsules with cigarette smoke in them to check if it was safe for human contact. Dogs had to have electrodes attached to them during Viagra tests.
But if you read the back of a bottle or tube, and it says ‘this company does not test on animals’ or ‘this product is not tested on animals’, don’t feel safe just yet. Just because ‘this’ company doesn’t test on animals, doesn’t mean they don’t ship out the products to outside testers. And if ‘this product’ isn’t tested on animals, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ingredients weren’t tested on animals.
For guilt free shopping, visit the websites below for in-depth lists of products which can leave you with clean skin and a clean conscious.
So, next time you are washing your hair, make sure you understand the technical jargon which adds up to mean, ‘we save the animals’. 
For more information please visit:

Anyway, I've had a bit of writer's block, so when you have thought of a topic, I'll do it! Simple as.

Thanks for reading!

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