Tuesday 14 August 2012

DIY Fashion on YouTube

Hey guys! So, I wanted to do my nails in a unique way, and didn't want to buy any new nail polishes. So, I did what any sane thrifty 14 year old would do in my position: YouTubed it. I found some really cute nail tutorials and in fact have a playlist. What's that? You want a link? To my playlist? OK, if you insist! :) DIY Fashion. Because one of my friends wore some galaxy leggings one day, I looked that up on YouTube too and found a tutorial for making them, and galaxy Vans. :D I will keep updating it. I'm kinda obsessed :/ But never mind! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to paint my nails in the style of Aang- the last airbender and make a domo phone case :) Bai
BB xx

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