Monday 17 December 2012

Iiiiiiiit's Chriiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaaaaaaas

So, this is Christmas. And what have you done?

Sorry, I've been slipping Christmas song lyrics into my IMs all week. At the time of writing, there are 8 days 'til Christmas. EIGHT! Hasn't this year gone by quickly?
SO! I thought I'd just tell you a bit about Christmas.
Did you know~

  • it is considered good luck to eat a mince pie everyday leading up to Christmas, but it is bad luck to cut one with a knife.
  • At least 56% of Americans sing to their pets. o.O
  • Spoilt leftovers are responsible for over 400,000 cases of Post Christmas associated illness... 
Well, if that hasn't put you off Christmas I don't know what will.
SO! Christmas is the time of year for Turkey, brussel sprouts, time with family, and most of all, CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!
If you aren't going to watch the Doctor Who special I am judging you.

Before I leave you to decorate the tree and whatnot, here is one of the most wonderful videos I have ever seen in my life. Yeah, it's not very Christmassy, but it's still pretty epic. ^_^

Chloberoning, out.

1 comment:

  1. hey ^_^

    Just discovered your blog and just realised I heart it. And now it's just two days 'till Christmas!! Aah!

    Could you please check out my blog if you have the time, please?

    Nina :) x


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If you're a new blogger, leave a link to your blog so I can check it out. And if you are a well-beloved new follower {or mythical monster, as they are called in my world :) }, tell me! I'll be even happier! :)